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How To Develop An Editorial Content For A Digital Medium

It is known that the internet is a powerful tool for the search of information and the elaboration of messages that support personal, economic, cultural, business or other activities.

Digital communication has positioned itself as an instrument accessible to all and which turns any person into a content editor, in a more or less improvised manner. This reality highlights two fundamental aspects: content remains the king, as the term of American marketing affirms, and in order to elaborate the contents of a digital media of an informative or editorial nature it is necessary to apply a methodology that helps optimize what communicates.

It is appropriate to put the magnifying glass on both aspects to have a better command of the technique when preparing the messages that you want to publish on a web page.

What is the content in an informative digital medium the content is any structured message that communicates and that has credibility for the user. The content can be an article, a photograph, an audio or a video.

The digital editorial content can be understood as a frequent message, addressed to an audience or certain interests and that reflects the position or intention of the company or individual that publishes and disseminates.

What methodology to use it requires a methodology and a certain journalistic treatment of the topics to elaborate informative or editorial contents of a digital medium. The most important guidelines to achieve this are the following:

Reliability: The first condition is that the content is reliable and timely, for this the data that is published must be verified and updated constantly. Interest. The messages must be of interest to the user, this is achieved with a content strategy or a small investigation that allows creating an attractive

Efficiency: The messages must work efficiently on the screens and interfaces of digital media.

Characteristics Of The Digital Editorial Content Of A Web Page

At the time of writing the content should address certain elements such as:
Brand (brand): the brands allow knowing the identity of the products or services that are marketed. Through them an efficient relationship with the
audience is established. In this sense, the contents must be consistent with the identity of the brand.

Personality: The content must be a declaration of the personality of the medium (conservative, liberal, youth), depending on it adapts the language, style and image of the medium.

Style: The approach and style of the content will be conditioned by the way the editor addresses the audience (formal, direct, neutral tone, instructive or any other nuance).

Genres: The content strategy defines the genres that will be used to elaborate the editorial content of the medium and effectively transmit the messages.

They can be traditional as the news, the report, the interview, the opinion article, the reviews and chronicles. Also the new genres: the news for you, referring tables of contents, banners, electronic bulletins and transactions in lines.

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